The Pine Township Board of Supervisors held their regular meeting at 7:00 PM at the Pine Township Municipal Building in Heilwood. Ryan Shultz, Chris Cameron and Keith Muir were present. Ryan Shultz called the meeting to order then led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed all visitors.

There were no Guest Speakers.

The Board approved the Minutes of the August 2019 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was called for by Mr. Muir, seconded by Mr. Cameron. Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Reports were presented to the Board. A motion to accept the reports was called for by Mr. Muir, seconded by Mr. Cameron. Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed. Mr. Cameron moved to pay the bills on the agenda totaling $ 68,062.26; General Funds $4,027.51, State Funds $64,034.75.

The September Balances being General Fund $195,008.35 and State Fund $180,540.98.
Mr. Muir seconded; motion carried.

The Police Report was reviewed. Mr. Cameron moved accept the report. Mr. Muir seconded; motion carried.

The Roadmaster’s Report was presented to the Board. A motion to accept the report was made by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Shultz. Motion carried.

The Supervisors Discussed getting an estimate for installing electric at the Township Park.

The Unfinished Business consisted of opening and awarding the bid for adding metal to the roof of the township building and garage. We had two bids; Whites construction $15,000 and Mason Building and Remodeling $15,850. Mr. Muir motioned to accept low bid from Whites. Mr. Shultz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Under New Business Mr. Shultz ask the other Supervisors if he could purchase a desktop vinyl cutter for making signs. The cost with supplies would be around $300. Mr. Muir moved to purchase; Mr. Cameron seconded. Motion carried.

There were no Public Comments.

The Supervisors Announced Fall Clean Up for October 4th, 5th, and 6th. Hours 9-5.

Mr. Cameron then moved to Adjourn the Meeting. Mr. Shultz seconded the motion. Motion carried.  The September Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM.

Attendees- See attached list

Jennifer Lindahl

September 3rd, 2019